Ayurveda is a holistic healing system based on prevention along with cure of the dis-ease. The healing is usually personalized, and people of all ages and different occupations are known to have benefited both personally and spiritually, owing to Ayurveda’s wisdom of healing.
Vaidyagrama brings you a three-month course named Āyur sūtram, in which the Basic Principles of Ayurveda will be elaborated. This program will be beneficial for beginners who are new to the world of Ayurveda.
The course would focus on bringing the Ayurveda way of living in our day-to-day life. It would also help the common man acquire a healthy lifestyle, amidst the prevalent pandemic situation.
In this online program Āyur sūtram, vaidyagrama paves the path of Ayurveda healing for you! You can enrol to witness the change to a better you!
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina:
Schedule of classes and topics
1 | Introduction to Ayur Sutram | Jul-03 |
2 | Introduction to Dosha, Datu, Prakriti | Jul 4,10,11 |
3 | Dinacharya- Daily Practices | Jul 17,18 |
4 | Ritucharya- Seasonal Practices | Jul 24,25 |
5 | Adharaneeya Vegas- urges which should not be suppressed | Jul-31 |
6 | Ahara Vidhi- Diet/ Food in Ayurveda | Aug 1,7 |
7 | Shad Rasa- Six tastes in Ayurveda | Aug-08 |
8 | Dravadravyayadi vijnaniya-Knowlegede of liquid substance | Aug-14 |
9 | Common Ailments and treatments | Aug-15 |
10 | Home Remedies | Aug-21 |
11 | Panchakarma | Aug 22,28 |
12 | Oushada sevanakala- Importance of timings to take medicines | Aug-29 |
13 | Basics of Yoga and Pranayam with Practicals | Sep 4,5 |
14 | Saundarya Samrakshanam along with Mukha lepam and Padabhyangam Beauty treatments in Ayurveda | Sep 11,12 |
15 | Potli preparation, Kashayam Preparation -live practical session | Sep 18,19 |
16 | vyadikshemathwam -Immunity in Ayurveda | Sep 25,26 |
Ayur Sutra – payment form
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Last name: 姓
Frist name: 名
Email: 邮箱
Phone number: 联系电话
Card number: 信用卡号码
Mm/yy: 月份/年份
Cvc: 信用卡验证码
Donate now: 现在就捐款
Offered by Punarnava Ayurveda Trust
Punarnava Ayurveda Trust is a public charitable trust, which is focused on improving the health, education and welfare of villagers in Thirumalayampalayam panchayat, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, South India. The vision is to create a local sustainable community based on the principles of Ayurveda and Natural Farming. Promotion of Ayurveda is one of the foremost objectives of the trust. The trust conducts on line and in person Ayurveda courses to spread the message to create a healthy generation.