Upcoming events and online classes
Healing Sounds Retreat
NOV 23-27 2023. We invite you to the Healing Sounds Retreat hosted by Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village . Chanting, Kirtan & Vocal RĀGA.Shantala Sriramaiah, Nina Rao,Dr. Shubham Kulkarni and Allison Dennis. SPECIAL GUESTS: Include Drs. Robert Svoboda, Claudia [...]
‘Navajeevanam’ (Nurturing a new life)- Monthly Pregnancy care
We are very happy to inform you about the new journey that we are undertaking to support the pregnant women through Ayurveda. The program offers consultation, awareness classes and awareness videos during the pregnancy period.
Forest Dweller Retreat – A Review
Emilie Cresp attended the Forest Dweller Retreat and shares her experience and impressions about the retreat. Enjoy the reading from the eyes of a participant.
We are exited to announce the release of the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Cookbook! The book covers important information about food and Ayuveda and is packed with delicious recipes such as how to make Ghee, Soups, Chutneys, Grain recipes, Side Dishes, Curries and Sweets.
Punarnava Family Newsletter Aug 2022
Our recent newsletter from the Punarnava Family is now presented in a new design. We hope you like and enjoy the reading about the recent activities, programs and products. We thank you for your [...]
Punarnava Family Newsletter Feb 2021
We are very happy to share with you, our latest Punarnava Family Newsletter. We thank you for your support and encouragement for all the community development activities of Vaidyagrama and Punarnava Ayurveda Trust. We have [...]
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Our Mission
Creating a green sustainable healing community
based on the principles of Ayurveda and natural farming.