30 hour course, March 2-7,2020

Practical training for Prasoothi Tantram


care- For preparation of pregnancy we need to do Panchakarma procedures.Vasti has an important role., Yoga plays an important role too.


2nd trimester Abhyangam, Dhanwantharam thailam yoni pichu Bhadra ksheerapakam Eranda thailam 20 ml with milk 3 days before date of delivery etc


careYoga, Soothika snanam, Pelvic exercise, Abhyangam, abdomen bandage etc
Certificate will be issued at the end of the course.
Fees for the course USD 450 ( International Students) and INR 10000/- ( indians) for Accommodation, food, and Tuition – does not include Taxifare from airport and back sightseeing/shopping trip, and incidentals like internet, laundry etc

Please write to trustee@punarnava.org for more details about the daily schedule


Course Topics


1 Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system- Lectures
2 Pre pregnancy: preparing body and mind to receive a soul- Assessment, guidelines for would be fathers and mothers, Safe motherhood with Ayurveda, Menarche to menopause- An ayurvedic overview Questionnaire and discussion
3 Garba Sanskar, Mantra and Agnihotra Lecture, film and music, yoga
4 Specific pregnancy conditions and complications Lectures
5 Garbini Vritta and paricharya- Care and conduct during pregnancy, Importance of Postures. Lecture, Yoga
6 Garbini Aahar- Diet during pregnancy, managing your emotions during pregnancy, role of would be fathers Lecture and cooking class
7 Garbahita Aushadhi Lecture and Demonstration of preparation of medicine
8 Different Ways of Prasooti- Jala Prasooti, Birth at home. Lectures
9 Month By Month growth of the baby and mother’s lifestyle( Embryology) Lectures, Demonstration of Yoga and Diet
10 Sutika Paricharya- Care during post partal period and lactation Lectures
11 Navjat Shishu Paricharya- Immediate care of a new born, Abhyangam, Neo natology, diet and immunity, baby care according to Ayurveda, Common diseases and solution Lectures and demonstrations
12 Breast Feeding, diet and medicines that help breast feeding Lectures
13 Stanya Dushti-Lactational disorders Lectures
14 Values in Children, Parenting and Art Lectures
15 Saundarya in Garbini and Sutika Lectures
16 Going back to Normal life Lectures